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Category :  Albums>Western>Tex Willer

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Tex Willer is the main character in the Italian comics series Tex by writer Gian Luigi Bonelli and illustrator Aurelio Galleppini. First published in Italy on 30 September 1948. Translated to numerous languages all around the world. Tex is depicted as a tough guy with a strong personal sense of justice, who becomes a Texas Ranger (even if living in Arizona) and defends Native Americans and any other honest character from exaction and greed of bandits, unscrupulous merchants and corrupt politician and tycoons. In the stories he meets some of the authentic figrues of the Old West like Al Sieber, Apache Kid etc.

Tex Willer er en italiensk, længerevarende westernserier, med begrænset popularitet i Danmark. Startede 1948 i Italien og udkom i Danmark i Seriebladet (1949-1952), i små hæfter (1956-1957), pocket bøger (1971-1976) og albums (2016). Serien kendes også som Tex Willer Spesial, Tex og Maxi Tex i Norge. Fra starten 1948 og frem til begyndelsen af 1990'erne er serien skrevet af Giovanni Luigi Bonelli og tegnet af Aurelio Galeppini, der signerer serierne Galep. Af kendte tegnere, der siden har bidraget til serien, kan nævnes Víctor de la Fuente, Joe Kubert og Colin Wilson.


Tex Willer 1971 nr 9
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Tex Willer 1972 nr 4
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